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Parsley Frog

Similar Animals:
 Iberian Parsley Frog
 Caucasian Parsley Frog

Parsley Frog

Parsley Frog Range Map (West & South West Europe)
Parsley Frog Range Map
(West & South West Europe)

Latin Name Pelodytes punctatus
Conservation Status Least Concern
Location West & South West Europe
Colour Various (See Below)
Length 3 - 5 cms (1.25 - 2 inches)

Mostly Terrestrial

Breeding Season


Main Characteristics

Parsley Frogs are either light brown, grey, or light olive in colour with green, irregular shaped markings on their back. They have a white coloured underside and around the pelvis area this turns to a yellow/orange.

They are small agile frogs that are 3 - 5 cms (1.25 - 2 inches) in length. They are slender, with long hind legs, a flat head and protruding eyes. They have vertical pupils and they are mainly active at night.

Using their belly as a suction pad they are able to climb trees, rocks and walls quite well.


Parsley Frogs are found throughout West and South West Europe. They prefer damp, vegetated areas near ponds and during they day they rest under stones or in burrows that they dig.


A Parsley Frogs diet consists of insects and other invertebrates.


They tend to breed in the Spring time but this varies depending on their distribution. The males call out from under water to attract females, who call back to them. Eggs are laid in broad strips of 40 - 300 on an aquatic plant or vertical twig.

The tadpoles can grow up to 6.5 cms (2.6 inches), which is longer than the adult frog and it takes approximately 3 months until metamorphosis.


A common predator of Parsley frogs are barn owls, but they are also preyed upon by other animals.

Interesting Facts


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