Six-Banded Armadillo

Six-Banded Armadillo

Latin Name Euphractus sexcinctus
Conservation Status Least Concern
Location South America
Colour Yellowish, Tan or Brown
Length -
Tail -
Weight -
Life Expectancy

Up to 15.5 Yrs

Main Characteristics

Six-Banded Armadillos are yellowish, tan or brown in colour and their heads are pointed and flattened with large plates arranged in a distinctive pattern. They have 6 - 8 movable bands on their body and they have well developed claws for digging.

They are solitary animals, and unlike most species of armadillo, they are mainly diurnal. They are terrestrial and when threatened they run to a nearby burrow or curl up as much as they can to protect their soft undersides.


Six-Banded Armadillos can be found in the savannahs and grasslands of South America.


Six-Banded Armadillos are omnivores and they feed on a variety of plant matter, insects, small vertebrates and carrion.


After a gestation period of 60- 64 days, Six-Banded Armadillos give birth to 1 - 3 young.



There are five subspecies of the Six-Banded Armadillo:

Euphractus sexcinctus boliviae
Euphractus sexcinctus flavimanus
Euphractus sexcinctus setosus
Euphractus sexcinctus sexcinctus
Euphractus sexcinctus tucumanus

Interesting Facts

The word armadillo is Spanish for "little armored one"

Six-Banded Armadillos are also known as:
Yellow Armadillo
Siksi-banti kapasi

Similar Animals

Yepes's Mulita
Seven-Banded Armadillo
Nine-Banded Armadillo
Hairy Long-Nosed Armadillo
Great Long-Nosed Armadillo
Llanos Long-Nosed Armadillo
Southern Long-Nosed Armadillo


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