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Rueppell's Fox

Rueppell's Fox

Rueppell's Fox Range Map (N Africa & W Asia)
Rueppell's Fox Range Map (N Africa & W Asia)

Latin Name Vulpes rueppelli
Conservation Status Least Concern
Location N Africa & W Asia
Colour Sandy/Silver Grey
Length 40 - 52 cms (16 - 20.5 inches)
Tail 25 - 39 cms (10 - 15.5 inches)
Weight 1 - 3.5 Kgs (2.25 - 6.5 lbs)
Life Expectancy

Up to 12 Yrs (in Captivity)

Main Characteristics

Rueppell's Foxes have a body length between 40 and 52 cms (16 - 20.5 inches), a tail length between 25 and 39 cms (10 - 15.5 inches) and they weigh between 1 and 3.5 kgs (2.25 - 6.5 lbs).

They have sandy or silver/grey coloured fur with a pale coloured underside. The tip of their tail is white and they have black markings on their muzzle.


Rueppell's Foxes can be found in deserts and arid regions of north Africa and west Asia.


Rueppell's Foxes feed on invertebrates, small mammals, reptiles, eggs, fruit and carrion.


After a gestation period of 51 - 53 days, Rueppell's Foxes give birth to a litter of 3 - 6 cubs. They are weaned by the time they are 2 months old and are independent at 4 months old. They reach sexually maturity at approximately 1 year old.


Humans, birds of prey and owls are predators of Rueppell's Foxes.


There are five subspecies of Rueppell's Fox:

Vulpes rueppelli rueppellii
Vulpes rueppelli caesia
Vulpes rueppelli cyrenaica
Vulpes rueppelli sabaea
Vulpes rueppelli zarudneyi

Interesting Facts

Rueppell's Foxes are also known as:
Rüppell's Fox
Sand Fox

Similar Animals

Red Fox
Arctic Fox
Swift Fox
Cape Fox
Pale Fox
Corsac Fox
Bengal Fox
Fennec Fox


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