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Yellow Anaconda

Yellow Anaconda

Yellow Anaconda Range Map (South America)
Yellow Anaconda Range Map (South America)

Latin Name Eunectes notaeus
Conservation Status Least Concern
Location South America
Colour Yellow with Black Markings
Length Approx. 3 m (9.8 ft)
Habit Semi Aquatic
Breeding Ovoviviparous

Main Characteristics

Yellow Anacondas are smaller than their close relation, the Green Anaconda. They reach lengths of approximately 3 m (9.8 ft) and they are known to have a life span of approximately 25 - 30 years.

Their base colour is a yellowish/brown and they are covered in black blotches and rosettes. They are known to have an aggressive disposition.


Yellow Anacondas are found in the swamps, marshes and rivers of Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Western Brazil and North East Argentina. They prefer water to land and like areas that have thick waterside vegetation.


Yellow Anacondas mainly feed on birds, rodents and fish. They prefer to hunt live prey, but will scavenge for dead animals. They suffocate their prey by wrapping themselves around it and constricting. They then consume it whole and head first.


Yellow Anacondas breed during the rainy season and usually in the water. They will have litters of 20 - 40 but as many as 100 young are possible. Gestation usually lasts approximately 6 months and they become sexually mature at 3 - 4 years of age.


Humans are the main threat to fully grown Anacondas however, young Anacondas are prey for many animals including caimans and members of the cat family.

Interesting Facts

Yellow Anacondas are also known as:
Sucuri Amarela
Paraguayan Anaconda

Similar Animals

Green Anaconda


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