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Harpy Eagle
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Harpy Eagle
Photographer: Tom Friedel (www.birdphotos.com)

A Harpy Eagle in Flight
A Harpy Eagle in Flight

Harpy Eagle Range Map (S Mexico to S America)
Harpy Eagle Range Map (S Mexico to S America)

Latin Name Harpia harpyja
Conservation Status Near Threatened
Location S Mexico to S America
Colour Grey, Black & White
Length 89 - 100 cms (35 - 39 inches)
Wingspan 2 m (6.6 ft)
Weight 4 - 9 Kgs (8.75 - 20 lbs)
Life Expectancy 25 - 35 Yrs

Main Characteristics

The Harpy Eagle is a powerful bird of prey. They have a body length between 89 and 100 cms (35 - 39 inches), a wingspan of approximately 2 m (6.6 ft) and they weigh between 4 and 9 kgs (8.75 - 20 lbs).

They have grey, black and white plumage with a long, barred tail. They have a double crest, a strong, black bill and very thick, powerful legs and feet. Despite their size they are agile birds and they can swiftly steer themselves through the tree tops of their range.


Harpy Eagles can be found in the canopies of tropical, lowland forests in southern Mexico and South America.


Harpy Eagles feed on sloths, snakes, lizards and birds. They often perch on exposed branches watching the forest canopy for prey.


Harpy Eagles form breeding pairs for life and they breed once every 2 - 3 years. The pair build the nest together from woven sticks, soft vegetation and animal fur and their nest is situated in large, tall trees, high above the forest floor.

The female will lay up to 2 eggs and incubation lasts for approximately 56 days, however only the first chick to hatch is raised. Both parents look after the chick and the chick fledges at 6 - 7 months old, although they don't become independent until they are 10 months old.

Harpy Eagles reach maturity at 4 - 5 years old and they will often return to their original nesting area to breed.


Harpy Eagles are apex predators in their habitat and therefore have no natural enemies. Young hatchlings maybe preyed upon by other Harpy Eagles but this is rare.


There are no subspecies of the Harpy Eagle.

Interesting Facts

The Harpy Eagle is also known as:
American Harpy Eagle

The Harpy Eagle population is declining as a result of habitat loss. They need a very large area to hunt and when large areas of forest is destroyed it leaves them vulnerable.

Harpy Eagles are the largest, most powerful raptor found in the Americas.

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