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Hooded Skunk

Hooded Skunk

Hooded Skunk Range Map (N & C America)
Hooded Skunk Range Map (N & C America)

Latin Name Mephitis macroura
Conservation Status Least Concern
Location North & Central America
Colour Black & White
Length 28 - 33 cms (11 - 13 inches)
Tail 37 cms (14.5 inches)
Weight 0.4 - 0.9 Kgs (0.9 - 2 lbs)
Life Expectancy

6 Yrs

Main Characteristics

Hooded Skunks are similar to striped skunks. They have a body length between 28 and 33 cms (11 - 13 inches), a tail length of approximately 37 cms (14.5 inches) and they weigh between 0.4 and 0.9 kgs (0.9 - 2 lbs).

They are white from the top of their head to the end of their tail and their underside, face and legs are black.

Like all skunks, the Hooded Skunk has well developed anal glands that they emit musk from if they are threatened. These glands contain a "nipple" that allows the skunk to aim its spray accurately at its attackers.


Hooded Skunks can be found in the scrub and dry grasslands of North and Central America. They tend to live close to a water source, such as a river or stream.


Hooded Skunks mainly feed on insects, but they also eat small mammals and some vegetation, particularly prickly pears.


Little is known about reproduction in Hooded Skunks. They breed from the middle of February to the end of March and after a gestation period of approximately 2 months, they produce an average of 3 young per litter.



Subspecies of the Hooded Skunk include:

Mephitis macroura eximius
Mephitis macroura macroura
Mephitis macroura milleri
Mephitis macroura richardsoni

Interesting Facts

Skunks are believed to be one of the principle carriers of rabies in North America.

Similar Animals

Striped Skunk
Humboldt's Hog-Nosed Skunk
Molina's Hog-Nosed Skunk
American Hog-Nosed Skunk
Eastern Spotted Skunk
Southern Spotted Skunk
Pygmy Spotted Skunk
Javan Stink Badger


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